First Post - My Wine Experience
So far, my experience with wine has been somewhat limited. Before this semester I would not have been classified as a regular wine drinker. On occasion I would pick up a bottle with a friend, mainly just to shake things up and drink something that wasn't beer. I can't remember being able to differentiate between particular flavors, most likely because I had no clue how to properly taste wine, or that I was even supposed to attempt to taste it rather than just gulping it down like Bud Light.
The occasions when I did have wine, I was quite fond of it. My friends and I used to take advantage of the higher alcohol content as an exceptional pre-gaming tool from time to time, which usually meant a few of us taking turns chugging out of a bag of Franzia. My mom always preferred light, fruity wines with meals and some evenings I would have a few glasses with her and my dad. Overall, I would say that I've been very ignorant so far in my experience drinking wine, not really having much interest or respect for the beverage itself.
I hope that this course will help me develop my budding desire to become a wine expert. Lately, I've become very interested in learning as much as I can about all different kinds of wine. After I graduate, I'd like to be the kind of dude who's got a well-stocked wine cellar and knows exactly how to use it. I'm hoping that this class will give me the proper direction to help me become a classy wine connoisseur and to show me how to properly enjoy the best beverage on earth.
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