Sunday, February 17, 2013

Tasting - Lavarini Volpolicella Classico

Name: Lavarini Valpolicella Classico
Variety: 65% Corvina Veronese, 25% Rondinella, 10% Molinara
Region: Italy
Country: Italy
Year: 2010
Price: $6.95

Winery Review: The red ruby color and the dry taste give this 
wine joviality and cordiality. It is fresh and fruity, with lovely strawberry and cherry aromas and flavors, with nice spice and a silky texture.

My Review:  I found this wine absolutely delicious. I first noticed a really cool, peppery spiciness. As strange as it sounds, the flavor then made me think of standing at the base of a giant waterfall, with water loaded with cherries and strawberries bouncing off of cavern walls covered in flowers and vegetation and washing over me. It was powerful and rich, but still managed to be very refreshing and drinkable. At the Vintage Cellar tasting, I bought a bottle of this without another thought and I greatly enjoyed drinking copious amounts of it that evening. 

I did not try this with food.

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